четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.
VIC: Main stories in today s Melbourne newspapers
AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Main stories in today s Melbourne newspapers
MELBOURNE, Feb 16 AAP - The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers:
Page 1 - An Internet Romeo who hid his criminal record in a Valentine's Day sham will
be thrown out of the country.
Page 2 - Plans to put a mobile phone tower in the shape of a cross on a church roof
has created a storm in the streets of Yarraville.
Page 3 - A champion wheelchair athlete was attacked by a drug-crazed robber with a screwdriver.
World - A deaf student has been charged over the killing of two classmates (New York);
a girl, three, died after being given laughing gas anaesthetic instead of oxygen at a
British hospital, according to the family's lawyer (London); US space agency NASA yesterday
said it would prolong the life of its asteroid probe for 10 days (Washington).
Finance - Relief for Pacific Dunlop shareholders could be in sight with the unshackling
of its high-value Ansell division through a separate listing; directors' pay packets were
at issue again yesterday when Axa Asia Pacific's small shareholders told their board enough
was enough; Amcor still has acquisition ambitions after turning in a 6 per cent first-half
profit rise to $123 million.
Sport - The AFL's Kangaroos are poised to launch a corporate tin-rattle to wipe out
their $1.14 million loss; a verbal roasting from a fellow pro helped golfer Peter Fowler
from a slump yesterday.
AAP /pc
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