пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

New Program To Help Buy Downtown Security Cameras

Downtown Hazleton merchants will be able to purchase exteriorsecurity cameras under a new program being set up by the city incooperation with the Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce.

Chamber President Donna Palermo said she pursued the idea afterbeing contacted by members interested in getting cameras.

Surveillance cameras also were discussed at a chamber DowntownCommittee meeting and at a meeting called by Mayor Joe Yannuzzi andCouncilman Chris Puza at City Hall concerning recent crime.

"One of the topics that was discussed at both meetings was tohave more cameras throughout the downtown area," Palermo said.

"Since these two meetings, I have received several calls statingthat one, you would like to become involved in our efforts toimprove the perception of the downtown and two, that you areinterested in placing cameras at your business."

Yannuzzi said he has identified a local business that can provideand install cameras, an approximate cost, and funding through thecity to help merchants pay for it.

"I am working on a camera that will be $600 or $700, and it willbe on the Internet," Yannuzzi said. "I would like if everyone wouldhold off buying a camera so we could all have the same one. Thisway, maybe we can get a little break on the price."

Palermo said she will begin compiling a list of businesses thatare interested in this venture and will share the list with themayor.

Aside from providing security to the individual businesses,Yannuzzi envisions the cameras helping police solve or deter crime.

"I would like to compile a map (of the cameras' locations),"Yannuzzi said. "If something happens in a particular area, we can goto that business and look at the video."

Last month, investigators credited surveillance cameras outside adowntown business for helping identify and capture suspects involvedin a double homicide on North Green Street.

Lena Kotansky, the city's economic development officer, said thecity's two loan programs for downtown facade improvement can beapplied to buying the cameras.

"It would be a loan, and there would have to be a 50-50 match,"Kotansky said. "Any business who would use the loan would agree tomake the (surveillance) tapes available to the city."

Kotansky said the mayor's estimate may be low, if installation isnot included in the cost.

In an e-mail to chamber members, Palermo asked that each merchantshare information on the cameras with neighboring businesses.

Palermo noted the next Downtown Committee meeting is scheduledfor March 1 at the chamber office in Citiscape, 20 W. Broad St.


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